The first jobs where the work of these celebrity

Here is a list of jobs that the first work by some of the leading celebrities and personalities, as well as presidents, artists and businessmen.
The first jobs where the work of these celebrity

Sylvester Stallone, cleaner black cages

Songs Hollywood superstar Sylvester Stallone, from a difficult childhood, because of his parents' divorce. After graduating from high school, he went to college in the US, Switzerland, where he studied drama. He then went to the University of Miami, and chose to focus on the dramatic arts. Leave the university before finishing his studies to go to the city of Naoyeurk to pursue an acting career. While he was waiting for his acting career, he worked at every opportunity that he had to cover his expenses. Including cleaner black cages in the modern animal Central Park.

Hitler, painter postcards

Adolf Hitler, had dreamed as a child to become a priest, but he withdrew from the school after his father's death in 1903. By that time, Hitler had a new career in mind, which is to become a professional artist, but he refused twice by the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna . Then he turned to the field of architecture, but it lacked the proper academic preparation for architecture school. Causing him to work as a painter postcards in the streets of Vienna, and selling his paintings to merchants and tourists. By 1909, he went to a homeless shelter, and in 1910 he settled permanently in the house for poor working in Vienna.

Michael Dell, dishwasher

The founder and chairman of Dell, Michael Dell, works Gsal dishes at a Chinese restaurant at the age of 12, and the gain of $ 2.30 per hour.

Oprah Winfrey, reporter

Oprah Winfrey was born in Kosciusko, Mississippi, and her father was unmarried teenagers. Her grandmother had taught her to read before the age of three years, and took her to the local church. Winfrey has worked to help themselves over the years and climb to the top, has worked on air reporter for a local radio.

Ronald Reagan, a film star

Considered one of the most influential US presidents in the history of the United States of America. His first work began a sports announcer on the radio after graduating from university, he joined the Reagan into the field of film industry in the late thirties, and the like in more than 50 films, has released his last film in 1964.

Dan Brown, the singer and songwriter

Famous Dan Brown wrote the novels and stories of fantasy and excitement mixed with a scientific and philosophical nature of modern insipid manner. After graduating from Amherst College, he moved to Hollywood as a singer, songwriter and pianist, the first two CDs released in the early nineties of the last century, and soon he began to write sensational stories.

Bappaduk, doctor

Francois Duvalier (Papa Doc) President of the Republic of Haiti from 1957 until his death in 1971, he received his medical degree from the University of Haiti in 1934, and worked in local hospitals. In 1943, he became an active member in a campaign sponsored by the United States to curb the spread of tropical infectious diseases, and helping the poor to fight typhus, yaws, malaria and other tropical diseases that ravaged Haiti for years.

Pol Pot, a school teacher

Before becoming a famous war criminal in the world, Jean-Pol Pot (Salut Sar) works as a teacher. It is the year 1954 - 1963 he devoted himself full-time in the Communist Party in Cambodia, becoming the leader of the party in the end, and by 1975, had an army called the "Khmer Rouge" has toppled then government. In his reign more than a million Cambodians were killed.

Benito Mussolini, Starter

Before becoming the first fascist dictator in the world, he has worked at the beginning of his life as a writer, and later wrote the novel "The Cardinal's Mistress".

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