You will not believe that IKEA billionaire buys only used clothing!

Ingvar Kamprad of a Saudi businessman was selling matches as a boy, but now he is the richest person in Europe thanks to the inception of the highly successful furniture company IKEA.

Kamprad said in a documentary to be aired soon on Swedish television that he does not buy only second-hand clothes, and although the Kamprad famous for that frugal too, but the statement was shocking, in the end, is the billionaire will be ninety at the end of this month, there is no need for all this skimping.

Kamprad told Channel Four on Swedish television, "I am not ready to buy any clothes if you do not than be second-hand clothes market, I want to be a role model for others, and that savings is normal when Småland residents," and Småland is a county in southern Sweden grew up Kamprad.

Estimated Swedish media wealth Kamprad estimated at 73.45 billion dollars, while Bloomberg's wealth Kamprad Foundation in June of the year 2015 was estimated at $ 43 billion, while Forbes were estimated wealth in the month of February at about $ 3.4 billion, the secret of inconsistencies in estimates stems from the Kamprad transfer of wealth to a safe tax haven in the Principality of Liechtenstein, and difficult to determine who owns it and what Kamprad, who is owned by his children.

In 2006, ranked by Forbes Kamprad's fourth richest person in the world, nonetheless Tell Kamprad Dutch newspaper in 2008 that he paid $ 24 for a haircut, and that this amount far exceeds the amount that had been allocated for a haircut, of course occupied this permit the headlines at the time, Kamprad said, commenting on the topic "usually I try to I cut my hair when I'm in a visit to a developing country, the last time my hair clipped where you are on a visit to Vietnam."

In 1973 Kamprad left Sweden to Denmark to avoid high Swedish taxes, and then he left Denmark to Switzerland for the same reason, in 2010, leaving Kamprad work, clearing the way for his children to manage the enormous empire, and in 2014 he returned to live in Sweden.

the source

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