Unexpected military tactics used in the wars

Military leaders who have their minds history are the ones who carried out the successful military tactics unexpected, enabling earn battles were not supposed to win, won battles or limited losses in their forces.

Military tactics unexpected

Snakes attack

Always marked by the Carthaginian commander Hannibal statesmanship and intelligence using military tactics unexpected, in one of the sea battles with the Sun Kings loyal to his enemies the Romans, Hannibal has sent a messenger to the King in order to know the ship which stay the king, and when the battle began the attack on the ship concentration, while the battle was thrown pottery bottles packed snakes on enemy ships causing pandemonium in the ranks of the enemies, which enabled Hannibal to win the battle although it had a smaller number of troops and ships.

Baron trick Cadore

In 1797 he attempted French invasion force Britain, when I got the French force on the British land sent its leader message to Baron Cadore commander of the British garrison, inviting him to surrender, Baron Cadore Bank claimed that there are reinforcements coming to him, something that striking fear in the hearts of the French force withdrew fugitive.


That arose the people of Babylon, the reign of Darius I, Zubaers son of one of his aides was introduced Plan unconventional King Darius to restore the city, the plan that earns Zubaers the confidence of the people of the city of Babylon and then weaken the fortifications to be able Persian troops restored, but how will gain Zubaers the confidence of the people Babel? The Zubaers cut off his nose and ears and then went to the people of Babylon, and told them that he disagreed with Darius I and believes people of the city and quickly gave him the leadership of the garrison city, the work on the weakened even attacked the Persians and regained the city.

Beauty flaming

Torque Tamerlane invaded India after it had heard the news of the death of Feroz Shah, the king of India without having an heir, but faced Tamerlane serious problem, which is that the forces (Mahmoud closed) defending India's largest of its forces, resorted Tamerlane to trick crafty where is put hay over Beauty then ordered to ignite the straw and the launch of beauty towards Mahmoud closing forces, causing rough beauty and raging fire scene to provoke panic elephants she started to wreak havoc amid Mahmoud closing forces, and the victory was an ally of Tamerlane pillage all of Delhi's wealth before they destroy it.

Double Wall

During the Gallic Wars Julius Caesar surrounded the precious troops stationed in a fortress impregnable, Julius Caesar ordered the construction of a wall around the fort to prevent the Gauls inside the fortress from attacking Romanian troops, and for expensive troops from nearby areas came to support the precious besieged troops, was supposed to Julius Caesar withdraw so as not to become trapped between the forces inside the fort and coming forces for their support, but Julius Caesar chose to resort to solve a non-traditional, where he was ordered to build a wall to protect the Romanian troops from the precious support troops, and has already succeeded his plan, where those forces have not been able to penetrate the wall despite Hnhm of several attacks, all of which ended in failure, and eventually was forced under the pressure of hunger in the fort forces to surrender, and underwent Gaul Julius Caesar.

Rogue ships

During World War I worked German submarines sink British ships, the British army resorted to a clever trick to eliminate the German submarines, where the army has changed the shape of the number of warships to look like a traditional merchant ships, knowing that the German submarines are destroying merchant ships using machine guns and not torpedoes, the British boat was waiting for the German submarine to float on the surface of the water for the use of automatic weapons, and to float the submarine until Tdkha artillery British ship.

Trick arrows

The siege of the Chinese leader (Chang Chun) in a fortress by rebel forces until the arrows carried out of the fort, and ordered the commander Chang troops playing drums as if the archers are preparing to eject the rebels with arrows, but of course they did not do because he had not left their arrows, but the rebel forces received on the drums with a barrage of arrows, ordered the commander Chang collected to be used the next day to hit the rebels, the next day, when the rebels heard the drums did not try to hunker down gears in the belief that it will be like yesterday, how was the sudden fatal for them when it pours down on them a shower of arrows .

Slow aircraft

During World War II, the Russian army put an old and slow aircraft in the face of modern fast German aircraft, you might think that the logical result is a triumph of German aircraft, in fact this did not happen because the German aircraft failed to injury Russian aircraft because the German aircraft was extremely fast, to the point that German pilots are unable to accurately aim the Russian plane slow.

Trick shot

During the Battle of Malong the commander (Sun Ping convince the enemy (Wang Chuan) that his army disintegrate and that large numbers of soldiers had fled, by bonfires less during the nights which followed the first clash between the two leaders forces, trick succeeded in making the leader Bang Chuan send a few troops number to eliminate the rival forces (between the Sun), because those forces are located in an airtight trap and are eliminated.

Cats on armor

The Battle of Farma is the conclusion of the battles took place between the Persians, led by Cambyses II and Pharaonic Egypt led Psamtik III series, and in this battle defeated the Egyptians a humiliating defeat, and resulted in the subordination of Egypt Persian rule, during the battle turned the horse to trick crafty where they draw a picture of cats on the armor of soldiers but and put the live cats to walk in front of soldiers Brigades, knowing that the ancient Egyptians appreciate cats, and has already succeeded trick where bowmen Egyptians refused to hit the horse soldiers with arrows, fearing for the life of cats.

the source

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