Do you suffer from depression Here are five dietary supplements may help!

It believed that more than two-thirds of Australians resort to the use of complementary medicines ranging from vitamins and minerals to herbs and aromatic oils. The problems related to mental health and one of the reasons why people use nutritional supplements; but is it really useful? While there is evidence on the effectiveness of some supplements and possible treatments for depression, but there are some of them is effective, and their effectiveness is not the only concern; where the quality of these supplements and the cost of non-regulated products can also be a problem. Below we recognize some of the dietary supplements that have been studied to improve the mood or depression.

Omega 3 fatty acids

There are three types of omega-3 fatty acids involved in the physiology of human organs, which are important to the process of normal metabolism; where epidemiological studies show that low dietary intake of omega-3 fish oils may be related to an increased risk of symptoms of depression. And dozens of clinical trials proved to severe depression to assess the effectiveness of these fatty acids alone or in combination with antidepressants, supports used in the treatment of depression! The other study brought together the results of five similar studies found a significant effect of omega-3 fatty acids to reduce bipolar depression.

(S-adénosyl-méthionine (SAMe-S

SAMe is a molecule is formed naturally in the human body resulting from the interaction gets between methionine, which is an amino tri and adenosine acid phosphate, a carrier of energy DNA of cells; and this part plays a key role in Alglitathion cycle which is a powerful antioxidant that are made in It is also a body infrastructure for many of the Alosasah.kzlk amino acids contribute to the metabolic processes and the intervention in chemical reactions and equations metabolic hormones and several neurotransmitters and proteins, and others. So is a very important and necessary to secure a good and perfect work of the body parts especially the central nervous system and liver; it appears through many studies that they contribute to the treatment of depression and studies have shown that people who have low levels of SAMe in the blood are more prone to depression! The expensive supplements of this compound and cause a little mild negative effects such as headache, insomnia, and gastrointestinal disorders.
St. John's wort

St. John's wort (Perforatom) are flowering plants that have a long history of use in medicine; its impact has been studied for the treatment of depression in more than 40 clinical trials of varying methodological quality.

Has the Cochrane review of 29 trials involving 5489 patients in 2008, analyzed the comparisons between St. John's wort phantom grains with antidepressants. The poll showed that people were more interactive with St. John's wort compared to placebo. In the same analysis, it was St. John's wort equivalent effect of antidepressants, because of the risk of drug interactions is recommended after the use of St. John's plant with it and should not these supplements are taken with antidepressants because they can cause serotonin syndrome, a deadly display affects the nervous system.

N- acetyl-cysteine ​​(NAC)

N- acetyl-cysteine (NAC) is an amino acid with powerful antioxidant properties and has a history in the treatment of overdose of paracetamol; as studies have found it reduces to a large extent from depression and bipolar disorder.

And in the controlled study included 75 people suffering from bipolar disorder, and lasted 24 weeks, found that one gram of NAC twice a day to reduce significantly depression, did not these supplements showed no reaction significant negative but available currently only in pharmacies by prescription.


Zinc is a mineral material found in some food, and there is evidence that it improves depressed mood. It was found from studies conducted in 2012 that the use of zinc as an antidote for depression can significantly reduce depression; and zinc can be addressed in doses up to 30 milligrams per day, with the amino acid to improve its absorption. While zinc is safe supplement to a large extent, it may cause nausea on an empty stomach.

Cautionary Note
This very simple overview of these five supplements that can help those who suffer from depression, but before it is used has to be to consult a doctor, as most of the studies that we listed it supports the use of these supplements Assistant antidepressant therapy and have a beneficial effect in improving the treatment. But again, be sure to seek medical advice before combining any supplements with medications.

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